Flattening Old 78s
The other day a friend of mine tipped me off on some very warped, dirty 78s he saw at a thrift store. He sent me some pics. They were in an old worn out gramophone and even though it looked unpromising, I stopped by. When I arrived they were indeed beat up (warped, extremely dirty,…
1938 RCA Model 70-B
By far the workhorse of the broadcast transcription turntables I picked up is this 1938 RCA Model 70-B. There were four iterations of RCA broadcast turntables (Model 70-A through 70-D). The RCA 70-A was introduced in the mid 1930’s. By 1938 RCA had rolled out the 70-B. Somewhere down the line in the 1950s a…
16″ Lacquer Presto Cut Records from the 1940’s
Earlier this month, I picked up some 16″ transcription records that were at a local estate sale for a gentleman named Joe. Joe was in the Navy, trained on aircraft electronics (radar was his thing), repaired radios, mechanical calculators, TVs, and was essentially one of those guys that could fix or build most anything. Joe…
Armed Forces Radio Service 16″ Records
Photos of a handful of 16″ War Department & Armed Forces Radio Records
1950 Proctor Soundex
A couple months ago I acquired two broadcast transcription 16″ turntables from a gentleman whose father had owned them since the late 1960’s. One was pulled from a local AM radio station and the other came from the USO in Wichita Falls, TX. The 1950 Proctor Soundex has a tube amplifier and a single 10″…